Easy weather api
Easy weather api

  1. Easy weather api registration#
  2. Easy weather api code#
  3. Easy weather api download#
  4. Easy weather api free#

Var DEG = 'c' // c for celsius, f for fahrenheit The first step is to define two configuration variables in /assets/js/script.js: var APPID = '' // Your Yahoo Application ID Weather Forecast with jQuery & Yahoo APIs | Tutorialzine Demoīefore the closing body tag we are adding the latest version of jQuery and our script.js file, which we are discussing in the following sections. In the body we will add a h1 header and markup for the weather forecast slider. We will start with a blank HTML5 document, and we will add a reference to our stylesheet to the head section, along with two fonts from Google's Webfonts library. This will give us current weather conditions, as well as a forecast for the rest of the current and the next day.

  • Finally, we will issue a request to Yahoo's Weather API with that woeid.
  • This will give us the name of the city and country, and a woeid - a special ID used to identify the city in weather forecasts
  • Next, we will issue a request to Yahoo's PlaceFinder API, passing the above coordinates.
  • The API will prompt the user to authorize location access and will return a set of GPS coordinates
  • First we'll use the Geolocation API supported by modern browsers.
  • Here is what we need to do in order to display our weather forecast: You are going to need this later in the tutorial, but first let's see how everything would work together.

    Easy weather api registration#

    The registration is simple and straightforward, and as a result you obtain an application id (look for it under the title of your application). The requirement is that you register your application with through their developer dashboard.

    Easy weather api free#

    Yahoo provides a large collection of useful APIs that are free for developers to use. However we created an improved version which uses the APIs provided by OpenWeatherMap. Update: Yahoo have discontinued their free geolocation api, which means that this tutorial will no longer work. This example also makes use of the wonderful climacons icon set. Using jQuery, we will issue AJAX request to two of Yahoo's popular APIs to obtain additional geographical information and a weather forecast. InputField.Today we will be using the HTML5 geolocation API to present the user with a personalized weather forecast. WIcon = weatherPart.querySelector("img"),ĪrrowBack = wrapper.querySelector("header i") WeatherPart = wrapper.querySelector(".weather-part"), LocationBtn = inputPart.querySelector("button"), InputField = inputPart.querySelector("input"), InfoTxt = inputPart.querySelector(".info-txt"), InputPart = document.querySelector(".input-part"), const wrapper = document.querySelector(".wrapper"), You can get this key from the official OpenWeatherMap site for free. js extension and remember you have to pass your API key in the API URL otherwise this weather app won’t work and it returns “something went wrong” error. Last, create a JavaScript file with the name of script.js and paste the given codes in your JavaScript file. Second, create a CSS file with the name of style.css and paste the given codes in your CSS file.

    Easy weather api download#

    So download the source files to use images also. html extension and remember the images that are used on this weather app will not appear.

    Easy weather api code#

    You can also download the source code files of this Weather App from the given download button.įirst, create an HTML file with the name of index.html and paste the given codes in your HTML file. After creating these files just paste the following codes into your file. First, you need to create three Files: HTML, CSS & JavaScript File. To create this project (Weather App in JavaScript).

  • File Upload with Progress Bar in JavaScriptīuild A Weather App in JavaScript.
  • Create Draggable Div Element in JavaScript.
  • At last, using the id value that API provides us, I showed the custom weather icon/image according to the weather condition. After I got an object as a response from the API then I displayed the property value to a particular HTML element. If it’s supported, I got the current latitude and longitude of the device and sent these coordinates to the OpenWeatherMap API. If the user clicked on the “Get Device Location” button then first I checked the user browser supports geolocation API or not. In the JavaScript file, I got the user entered city name and sent a get request to an OpenWeatherMap API with passing the city name. I already told you I used vanilla JavaScript to create this weather app.

    Easy weather api